Journey with the Jenks

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Great news for Landry

As most of you know Landry has worn glasses since she was 4 years and 2 months old. It was sudden, her eyes simply crossed one morning. Susan, the babysitter, called about 10 o'clock one morning ans said she thought her eyes was turning in. I picked her up and took her to the eye doctor. After a couple of days and 2 doctors we discovered that her right eye pretty much did not work 6 feet and closer. She had really bad vision up close. So my four year old not only needed glasses, but bifocals. The worst part was that her vision was so bad and possibly leaving if we didn't take action immediately.

She got the cutest glasses and has been so awesome at wearing them. Her eyes had gotten better in the last few years. Last year, her eyes took a turn for the worse and had begun to stop working again. If fact, her "good eye" had become the bad eye. The doctor said possibly her brain was compensating and we started patching her eye 90 minutes a day 6 days a week. She hated it but was pretty good about it. After 3 months we went back and discovered it was working but now the other one was doing the same thing. It was April and Dr Sheets had her start alternating her patch.

Yesterday we went for a 6 month check. To say we were less than consistent about patching would be an understatement. Much to our surprise and the Doctor's her eyes were great! He started at 20/50 with her correction on. He kept going down and looking at me. We made it to 20/20 with correction and she only missed one letter. That has never happened! Dr Sheets was amazed. He said he has never seen such improvements in such a short time. Yay! She still has the same prescription therefore we don't need new glasses right now. He really thinks she might out grow her glasses with time. Great news!

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