Journey with the Jenks

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dad is gone! Let the pigging out begin!

Shane left Friday morning and will be gone for a week. I know you will be surprised to know he is hunting.

Here is our meal plan for the week. The girls beg for the things we never eat when Shane is around.

Monday: Taco Villa-bean and burritos for all! Don't forget the nacho fries!
Tuesday: Let's order Pizza!
Wednesday: I will cook about pasta...
Thursday: Chick-fil-a!

I know this is totally unhealthy food but they are kids and it is once a year that Dad is gone this long! Ridiculous but fun for us and no clean up for me!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Hello, My name is Billye and I am a food addict. I wish I wasn't but I am. I once said, "It's not about quality, it's about quantity". I don't necessarily need good food, just lots of it! I have also said I was born with the appetite of a man. Lately, I have really become more cognisant of the types of foods we are eating. I noticed that as I packed Landry's lunch, more and more foods were pre-packaged. Shane has started a workout challenge at Cross-Fit. It involves the Paleo diet. You basically eat like a Paleolithic man. Lean protein, veggies, fruits, nuts, etc.. I had to do some research to have some ideas for dinner. While I realized that the girls need a little more than the foods listed on this plan, I also realized they are getting WAY TOO MUCH processing in their foods. Foods in their natural states are so much better for them and me.

I purchased the book, The Eat-Clean Diet for Family and Kids by Tosca Reno. It has lots of info on what types of foods are clean and gives you a lesson in looking at labels. Basically, if you can't pronounce it should you really eat it? Now, don't get me wrong, we LOVE us some Velveeta cheese dip like crazy!! I just think that when I can control what they eat, like lunches, I should. Starting this week the girls are allowed one pre-packaged item per day. If they choose chips, that's it. If they choose fruit snacks, that;'s it. I had to buy LOTS of fruits and vegetables this weekend to choose from. I went ahead and washed and cut them up.
The book talks about the fewer the ingredients on the label the better. It was eye opening. Now, I'm not all hard core and I do realize I live in Midland with one "real" grocery store but I'm trying!

Here is another fish recipie I found and tried. It was really good too! Shane, for the second time in a week, said how good it was!

Grilled Tilapia

4 Frozen Tilapia fillets
cherry/grape tomatoes
white wine

Spray foil with cooking spray or spritz with Olive Oil. Place one filet on each sheet of foil. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and basil to your liking. One pat of butter on each is optional. I used a half pat on each. Cut tomates in half and lay on fish. I used 2 tomatoes on each and wished I had used more! I poured about 1-2 tablespoons of white wine on each. Make a packet with each foil piece and place on grill. Cook for 15 minutes.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Delicious Fish Recipe

I am really trying to cook more fish and find easy but yummy ways to prepare it. I don't have time to go to the store each day and pick up fresh fish(is that possible in Midland, TX?)

I found this recipe while looking for a way to cook Halibut.

Creamy Baked Halibut
2 lbs. Halibut fillet
1/2 cup light or fat free sour cream
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup chives
1 tsp. fresh dill
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 360 degrees.Spray glass baking dish with no-stick spray.Rinse Halibut fillet(s), pat dry with paper towel and place in dish.Chop up chives and dill.Mix together sour cream, dill, chives, and 1/3 Cup of the Parmesan cheese.Spoon mixture over the Halibut and bake in oven for 15-25 minutes depending on thickness of fillet.If it looks like there is a lot of water around the fish, (can happen depending on which sour cream you use), using a turkey baster suction out excess water around the fish.Sprinkle remaining Parmesan cheese over the top of the sauce and broil until browned, about 5 minutes.Makes 4 4oz. servings.
Number of Servings: 4

I used frozen tilapia fillets but I think any white fish would be great. I did not include the chives as it was Mom's birthday dinner and she does not care for chives.

This was SO GOOD!!! Shane was almost licking the dish. He stood at the sink and scraped the dish with a fork to get every last bit of yumminess! The girls both loved it too! The bag of frozen tilapia fillets were much cheaper and I can use the rest in another dish. I added a salad and another recipe I found on the same website as this one for Maple Cinnamon Mashed Sweet Potatoes.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reese's First Day of Pre School

Reese finally got to go to school! She was so excited! She is attending Grace Lutheran Pre School 2 days a week. She goes Tuesdays and Thursdays. School is 9-2 but she goes early, about 8 and gets picked up between 4:30-5:00. There are 8 kids in her class including Robbye, a little girl that stays at Susan's house. (The regular sitter) Reese still goes to Susan's the other three days a week. We know many kids who have gone through Grace and all have been quite pleased. 2 of Landry's teachers' children are there currently.

When I picked her up the first day she looked REALLY tired. They were outside playing on the playground. When I asked her what her favorite part of the day was she said, "Lunch". A girl after my own heart!

She was upset on Wednesday that she was not going back. This morning she was really tired but very happy to be going back to school. She already showed us a little dance to the months of the year. I am so excited to see her excited about learning! She really has always been more interested in the social part of life than the academic. Hopefully, she will begin to blossom!

When I picked her up today from after school care the teachers commented, "She is quite a talker!" Oh no, on the 2nd day she is already making a reputation! I told them she just likes to hear her own voice, they don't always have to answer her. They said, "No we LOVE her!" Just as always, Reese makes friends with all adults and tries to be in charge of all the other kids!

I cannot wait to see the difference in her by Christmas. I am sure she will amaze us!

Monday, August 23, 2010

4th grade already??

Landry started 4th grade today. It is very hard to believe that she is over half way finished with elementary school. She was very excited about school. She woke up super early, like 6:15 and was dressed by 6:20! She wanted her hair curled in sponge curlers overnight. I was a bit nervous about how it would look. It turned out pretty cute.

She picked this dress out about a month ago. It is very June Cleaver looking I think. She wears tennis shoes everyday except the first day because of recess and p.e. A dress won't be seen again I fear!

She had swim practice after school at 5:00 until 6:00 and then open house at Carver Center for G.E.M. (Gifted education Midland) from 6-7:30. Whew, we had a full day! She will attend GEM 2 days a week, Mondays and Tuesdays. She will attend her regular school Wed-Friday. That's a lot for a 9 year old to handle but I think she can do it.

She is such an amazing kid. I thank God daily for the person she is becoming. I see His nature in her more and more. She is responsible and thoughtful more and more each day. She started a journal today of her 4th grade year. She loves to write.

This morning I prayed that she would have a great day and be a light to her friends. I prayed that she would begin to see opportunities to share Christ with others. She is beginning to understand the importance of this. I admire her in many ways. I look forward to watching her blossom even more this year.

Meals, Aug 23-27

Sorry, I'm a little late with the menu for the week. The Louder household was busy this weekend enjoying the last moments of summer break and preparing for the first day of school. Shane left town yesterday afternoon so the girls and I relaxed around the house and did girly things like polish nails and put Landry's hair in rollers for today.

I used my lunch today to grocery shop for the week. Here is the plan:

Monday, 8/23: Pulled pork roast in the crock pot. (If you aren't using a crock pot you are missing out on super easy meals, ready when you get home!)
SUPER easy! McCormick's seasoning in a package for pulled pork. Add 1/2 C catchup, 1/2 C brown sugar and 1/3 C apple cider vinegar and pour over meat. Cook on low 8 hrs or high 4 hours.

Tuesday, 8/24: Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo, broccoli, garlic bread
Boil or grill chicken breast(You could buy Tyson Chicken already cooked) Boil fettuccine pasta, drain. Pour jar of fettuccine sauce over noodles and add chopped chicken.

Wednesday, 8/25: Beef and Bean Chalupas with Spanish rice
Buy chalupa shells. 1 can of refried beans spread over shells. Brown ground beef, I use's what we have! Season with taco seasoning. Spread meat over beans, add shredded cheese. Put in 350 oven for about 10-15 minutes to heat beans and melt cheese. Cut up tomatoes and lettuce to top.
I use Spanish rice from a package.

Thursday, 8/26: Chicken Surprise Casserole, corn, fruit salad
Chicken Breasts with a can of Cream of Celery Soup(Reduced Fat) poured over it. Crush 1 sleeve Ritz crackers over. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Bake 350 for 35-45 minutes.

Friday, 8/27: We are going out to eat to celebrate a successful 1st week of school!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dinner 8/17 and beyond! Crazy week!

So it is the week before school starts and we are super busy this week with meet the teacher nights at both schools and starting back to swim practice. Tonight we have Landry first swim practice of the season from 5-6 and Reese's open house at pre school at 6:30. Hum, wonder what we will eat?

I honestly think tonight will either be a quick sandwich that I can shove down their throats in the car or possibly Taco Tuesday at Rosa's!! For those who do not live in West Texas, I am sorry for you! Rosa's is yummy, fast food style Mexican food that DOES NOT taste fast. On Tuesdays you can get a taco plate with rice and beans for $3.69. You can beef or chicken, soft or crispy. Yummo!

Wednesday will be a crock pot night as I have to go to San Angelo for work. I will post that recipes this evening after I see what is in the freezer.

Thursday is Meet the Teacher night at Landry's school. I am helping set up from 4:30-5:30 and actual event is from 5:30-7:00. Ugh! I really don't want to eat out this night, something quick like soup, salad and sandwich???

Friday we are having a neighborhood fish fry with our super, awesome neighbors! Oh what fun!! I promise the menu for next week will be more complete and normal next week when school starts back and we have met everyone and figured out school.

I cannot believe Landry will be in 4th grade! That sounds so old! Reese in Pre school will be interesting. I told her last night to not get any older. She said, "O.k, go ahead and cancel my birthday". Oh if I only could!